Tuesday, September 26, 2017

cut to the chase - seeking benefactor, preferably a billionaire. why would you do that? well, let's find out.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

My number one goal is to love God. is it perfect? of course not. are there times God looks the other way? hopefully. if you are some other religion than Christian you might be interested, possibly on the grounds of mutual interest, but probably not.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

deep down inside you know you want to support a guy who ponders the vastness of the universe. when your friends ask about that knuckle head you're funding, you smile and say he's pondering .. pause for effect. . the vastness of the universe. it'll be fun!

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

your billionaire buddies may be contacting me right now! you'll miss out! It's unlikely that multiple offers will be considered! email your interest now !

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

How small can computer files be shrunk and then re-inflated? well, if a little known theory works out, the answer will be, "pretty darn small. " you could be on the inside track.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

do the right thing, think about contacting this email now!

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

while you slave away making billions I'll be strolling Down Golf Course Lane. you can think about how much you've helped me out.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

origami should be an expression of a person's taste for artistic form. you'll learn how divine inspiration and dogged determination have played a part in my paper folding.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

play chess? then you can teach me a thing or two or not. I'll probably never master the bishop knight mate, but the game is fun.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

Tired of the same old Bible studies? you know what I mean. and the same old sermons you've heard your whole life. well the Bible study of Matthew and revelation presents no new theology, just a fresh way of perceiving how things in God's word can be matched up.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

chess. why are spiritual forces so interested in the game? not sure, but it's fun to keep playing.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

don't pass up the opportunity to find out my all time favorite origami! no, it's not one of my originals. electrons are standing by to transfer your email.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

do you remember the day you became a billionaire? did the air smell fresher? was the day brighter? no? ok, well don't bore me with the details, but you probably have some interesting insights.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

when looking at lists on the internet are you more interested in the distracting ads or information? Then my simple html list formats may tickle your fancy.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

it would be fun to explore software games more. with your support it could be possible.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

simple free educational games could help millions of kids learn more easily! and to think you made it possible.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

What are ones and zeros anyway? the ones are supposedly something and the zeros are nothing, but actually the zeros are something too.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

mobile development seems like an art form in its infancy. it sure would be great to research and refine mobile and web interfaces. mind blowing? probably not. fun and useful? probably.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

imagine me sailing around Dillon reservoir taking in all that mountain beauty. send that email and let's get the ball rolling!

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

pet peeve - having to copy/paste stuff over and over that is used infrequently. we need a mobile feature that makes accessing and pasting easy from a large pool of stuff into any browser or app. who's with me!

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

after going over 3 or 4 on every hole I stroll up to the 9th tee box. it's a par 3. the drive rolls up about 10 feet from the hole. the first putt rolls 6 inches short. addressing the ball a profound sense of peace erupts, it's ok either way.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

What is the point of the internet? it's worth thinking about occasionally.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

if you need someone to keep your car batteries charged I could drive some of your cars.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

why is the Bible so vague or lacking in some information that would clarify things? why did Jesus teach with parables? why are Jesus and Satan described as trees in Genesis?

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

granted, I error on the side of function over form. it is amazing how clean simple interfaces can be so beautiful, but a few minor changes in looks and it seems clunky and uninteresting.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the Bible says in a couple of places, I have told you all things. My guess is that the things necessary to obtain everlasting life is what are told all of. it doesn't seem like algebra is in there, but maybe.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

origami by accident. start with water-bomb or Crain base and start folding some way you've never seen in books. occasionally something fun emerges.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the old testament has 39 books. 27 books plus 12 minor prophets. the new testament has 27. What if the 27 books from the old and new testament could be matched up using the 12 minor prophets as a key? if so, I couldn't figure out out.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the incredible shrinking file. it would probably take a few weeks of focused effort to know if it's possible.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

a season pass to ski at Vail is not very expensive for the best skiing on earth. it sure would be fun to hit those slopes again.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

seems like powder skiing takes more work to get to and a greater determination to master. vail is tops when it comes to ground slopes.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

regular expressions - kind of like most math, super useful to a few people, pointless to most. even simple regex can be fun though.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

regular expressions - the use of special characters makes the subject difficult learn. people can often tell you the text they want to find, but the resulting regex is undeciferable.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

this may already exist, but how about a reverse regex builder. the user puts in several examples that should match and the tool spits out solutions from specific to general. regexmagic claims to do this, haven't tried it.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

I have a general rule of thumb. the first reasonable offer is the best offer. it has failed me several times, but so has everything else.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

technical stuff that works is very cool. it makes life better without weighing you down.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

has the bible ever failed me? only an idiot would say yes, so of course the correct answer is no. having said this there have been many times where I could not figure out how to use the information in the bible to accomplish something. I'm sometimes thick like that.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

Microsoft or Unix, that has always been a tough question. it wasn't too tough at home though, Microsoft has the best total solution for the whole family. Apple is for the super rich and chrome book is basically a laptop web browser.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the best cell phone is currently something android based. iPhone is expensive, but delivers a world class total solution.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

android is a great telephone and does Tons of other stuff. I've never failed to fill out a job application from an android web browser.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

BlackBerry phones were my first browser enabled phone. for some reason I wish they were still a major player.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

music is so cool. it would be great to have some sort of musical gift. not Bach or Mozart, but something. maybe in the eternal paradise.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

back in college a bunch of us loaded up and went to a grateful dead convert. the backup band came on for a while and at some point I made a bathroom run. upon returning I asked the guy next to me, is this the dead yet? he said, no man this is still the backup band. after several more songs they played some iconic dead song. we looked at each other and started laughing.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

south western sunset and sunrises can be so awesome, when the clouds are just right. would you rather drive through a drab city landscape daily or a majestic nature background? somehow we mostly choose the former.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

not sure I have a favorite bible verse. the ones that start with 'fear not' are first choices.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

computer languages - c++ was the first computer language that held out hope for conquering large scale complex projects, but java came closer to delivering.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

there is a spirit of fear associated with object-oriented coding projects. it is rare to find a product where the fear doesn't take over.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the singleton and composite patterns are two of my favorite object-oriented patterns. they conquor complexity and provide efficient solutions.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

origami should generally be something the average person would enjoy doing in one sitting.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the realistic looking origami animal projects are fascinating, but beyond what mere mortals can tackle.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

a nice thing about origami is that the are an infinite number of interesting solutions and anyone can find some of them. it will require some time and effort.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

like many written works the bible does call to us. why would God mix fact and parable so seamlessly? why must we dig to carefully understand the tone and events of passages? it is easy for me to see why many people don't take it seriously.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

on software projects people are the greatest asset and the greatest liability. the same person can offer great Solutions on one day and the biggest stumbling blocks the next. it's weird.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

there is an art to producing great clubs, swords, Spears, and bow and arrows, but these things don't really change productivity. software on the other hand changes what and how much you're able to accomplish. this messes with spiritual forces.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

think about how Steve jobs messed with the spirit world, no wonder he had to be eliminated.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

there is a joke that went around some software circles. we're being asked to produce space age technology with little more than stone knives and bear skins.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

let Steve Jobs Be a warning to you. if you accomplish great things in the eyes of men, you may be eliminated.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

Steve Jobs May well have been eliminated for messing with productivity. but others mess with productivity and live to a ripe old age. that's what makes things so difficult. you can never be sure.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

mom says keep your head down and come home alive. dad says no guts no glory. keeping your head down is by far the norm, but it takes guts to win the day. dad knows there will be far more casualties than Heroes. and few Heroes come Home alive. tread lightly and carry a big brain.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

what is artificial intelligence. we keep asking the question. is it a machine that does things people normally do? I'm really not worried about the Terminator scenario where machines take over. we've seen how easily they break down and it's highly unlikely that other machines will rush to their rescue.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

why does anyone run for president? they obviously think differently than I do.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

King David in the Bible seems like a good example of what not to do. don't marry several women. don't have several Offspring clamoring for the kingship. don't have adulterous relationships. and don't leave the kingdom to a kid from a marriage where you bumped off her previous husband.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

if you're a man who has ever come under the influence of women you know that the results are seldom good. why is this?

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

this is been said before but it's worth repeating, technology that works is great.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

global warming is real. otherwise we would still be sitting in the last ice age. will the oceans rise? no. they might rise an inch but probably not even that.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

will the oceans rise from global warming? why do we keep asking these silly questions? have they risen in the last ten thousand years?

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

open source software has baffled me. I've made minor contributions on a couple of projects, but basically because I needed them for my current job. what motivates people to put in all those hours for no pay, the rebel Spirit?

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

I've done a Bible Software project. it was fun to do, but no one but me has ever enjoyed it. hopefully God enjoyed it, it doesn't appear anyone else will.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

my take is that free websites don't really exist. every one I've ever had has either eventually been mutated by the host to the point that it's unrecognizable. or they've simply stopped hosting the site.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

free blogs appear to be a reality. blogger has been in business since the year 2000. the blogs are still out there.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

it cost money to put stuff on the internet. if you're putting stuff out there for free there has to be an angle. pretty much the only angle I've seen is advertising.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

the two greatest inventions of all time bar none are the V8 engine and the two piece aluminum can. Henry Ford and Bill coors are responsible for introducing these. and by God they would not be denied.

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

favorite prayer - may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace may He protect you from your parents your grandparents and all evil physical and spiritual may you only be tested according to the will of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name we pray amen

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

favorite prayer - may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace may He protect you from your parents your grandparents and all evil physical and spiritual may you only be tested according to the will of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name we pray amen

Billionaires are BRILLIANT !

seeking benefactor

I think we all know there isn't though.